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If Indoors:

DUCK or drop to the floor. 躲在坚固的书桌、桌子或其他家具下面. Hold on to furniture you are under and protect face.




一旦主震停止,冷静地疏散建筑物到疏散集会 area. Assist those with physical disabilities. Refer to section on evacuation.

An Incident Command Center (ICC) will be activated. The Hartnell College ICC is located in the Board Room, CAB 112. 二级或备用ICC位于设施大楼 演艺大楼东面,位于演艺大楼与 Tech Buildings. 如果两个位置都无法使用,则主要的室外ICC位于 quad area in front of the Student Center. Stay away from the Incident Command Center unless you have an emergency. Instead, communicate with the Building Monitor. 如果你 你是学院ICC小组的一员,把你班的责任交给别人吗 教师或工作人员,并对您重新分配的集合区域作出回应.

建筑监察员或ICC成员或其他受过培训的人员应使用任何设备 prepositioned in their building.

受伤或损坏的设施应报告给建筑监察员或主管. They will advise the ICC.

GAS LEAKS - 如果你 smell gas, cease all operations. DO NOT SWITCH LIGHTS ON OR OFF. 撤离大楼,然后通知大楼监察员、主管或ICC.

有害物质事故-一些气体是无味和无色的. Do not enter 任何存放或怀疑有危险物质的区域,直到穿制服的人员到达 或其他经过培训的授权人员检查并清理了该区域.

If Outdoors:

迅速远离建筑物、电线杆和其他建筑物至少300英尺. CAUTION: ALWAYS avoid power or utility lines.

An Incident Command Center (ICC) will be activated. The Hartnell College ICC is located in the Board Room, CAB 112. 二级或备用ICC位于设施大楼 演艺大楼东面,位于演艺大楼与 Tech Buildings. 如果两个位置都无法使用,则主要的室外ICC位于 quad area in front of the Student Center. Stay away from the Incident Command Center unless you have an emergency. Instead, communicate with the Building Monitor. 如果你 你是学院ICC小组的一员,把你班的责任交给别人吗 教师或工作人员,并对您重新分配的集合区域作出回应.

建筑监察员或ICC成员或其他受过培训的人员应使用任何设备 prepositioned in their building.

受伤或损坏的设施应报告给建筑监察员或主管. They will advise the ICC.

GAS LEAKS - 如果你 smell gas, cease all operations. DO NOT SWITCH EQUIPMENT ON OR OFF. 保持建筑物的清洁,并通知建筑物监察员,主管或ICC.

有害物质事故-一些气体是无味和无色的. Do not enter 任何存放或怀疑有危险物质的区域,直到穿制服的人员到达 或其他经过培训的授权人员检查并清理了该区域.

Preparing for an 地震:


无论你住在哪里,灾难都可能毫无征兆地降临. Planning and preparation can 大大减少灾害(和其他较小的紧急情况)对我们生活的影响 生活. 全世界的人们都在为飓风、龙卷风、 droughts, flooding, wildfires, and other emergencies. California is prone to many 各种紧急情况,包括山体滑坡,洪水,野火,停电和 earthquakes.

易世博距离圣安德烈亚斯地震发生地不到20英里 的错. 该学院也靠近蒙特利县其他几个已知的断层.

与任何灾难一样,应急资源和校园社区将不堪重负 必须准备好自给自足,直到外界的帮助到来,也许是为了什么 至10天. 每个人都应该为自己的家庭、住所和工作场所做好准备 this eventuality. 您可能会找到一些参考计划指南 helpful, including the USGS pamphlet entitled "Putting Down Roots in 地震 Country".

What Can You Do?

  • 积极参与备灾(规划和缓解).
  • 看看你花时间最多的地方(办公室、卧室等).) and re-arrange your space to make it safer.
  • Take personal responsibility for your own survival.
  • 掌握灾难急救、心肺复苏术、搜索和救援或避难所管理等技能. 以C.E.R.T. training offer by the college or in your community.
  • Prepare now for a sudden emergency. It could save your life and the 生活 of others.
  • 有一个计划——知道在紧急情况发生之前、期间和之后该做什么.

Preparedness on Campus

我们依靠消息灵通的员工和学生采取措施来提高他们的安全 and protect their belongings. Since you live in earthquake country, you will want 了解校园应急计划,地震发生时该怎么做,以及 how to keep your stuff safe in your room or apartment. That includes what's on your 电脑.

Before it happens

  • 阅读张贴在大楼里的紧急信息,以及学校发布的紧急信息 网站. 和你的家人、室友、同事和朋友谈谈你的想法 will all do in an emergency.
  • 每座校园建筑都有指定的疏散区域. Find out where these Emergency 集合区(EAAs)是你的教学楼.
  • 提前想好如何离开教室或住所.
  • Locate the fire extinguishers; know how to use them.
  • Share this information. 制定一个与家人和朋友沟通的计划,以防万一 of an earthquake. 长途电话可能比本地电话效果更好.
  • Back up your 电脑(s) daily or weekly. Keep the disks at a separate location.

Make your Living and Work Area Safer

  • 确保镜子、镜框、玻璃物品或其他重物没有悬挂 over your bed or your desk.
  • 高大的书架和橱柜可能会砸到你或挡住你的出口. Brace and bolt such furniture to prevent its toppling.
  • 如果无法固定家具,重新摆放以减少危险.
  • Do not stack bookcases or file cabinets.
  • 不要使用由砖块、水泥块和木板制成的没有固定的架子.
  • Kitchen cabinet contents can be dangerous; keep the doors latched.
  • 用防震紧固件固定音响设备、电视和电脑.

Put together an Emergency Kit

  • First aid supplies are very important. Have a good supply and know how to administer 急救.
  • 如果没有电,带备用电池的手电筒会很有用. 考虑 a headlamp like the kind backpackers use. This will keep your hands free.
  • 你有一个小型的便携式收音机,还有合适的电池.
  • 准备一些额外的个人用品,如眼镜、隐形眼镜和处方 药物.
  • 包括一双结实的鞋子,舒适但耐穿的衣服,夹克或毛衣, and a blanket or sleeping bag.
  • There may not be running 水 for a time after a quake; store a couple gallons of 水.
  • 把你的工具箱放在床下或壁橱里,你可以很容易拿到. 考虑 having a kit in your car as well.
  • 查看学院紧急网站的“链接”部分,了解更多信息.

Staff and 学生 with Disabilities

  • Know how to take cover in a quake. Arrange your living space so that nothing can fall on you or block your exit.
  • 列一张你需要的特殊设备和药物的清单. Keep it with you.
  • Arrange to have "buddies" help you in an emergency.
  • 用哨子、手电筒或其他警报器呼救.
  • 知道从哪里获得轮椅或其他设备的电力.

Who To Contact

  • Daniel Scott
    Director of Public Safety and Emergency Management
    电话: 831-770-7013
    建筑: T - Campus Safety
    Portable Buildings
